You guess you will be!
Your name is Nate Linton; Explorer, artist, and junior scientist, extraordinaire. And, more recently, an amateur writer, too. A multi-talented guy, if you will. And you do!
You live with your Granny, the infamous explorer and horticulturist Ms. Linton. You've likely already heard of her. She sailed the Earth with her ship backwards, her crew missing, and a storm following behind her! She is so rad.
Right now though, currently, you're just standing in the middle of your room. Waiting. You were just idling time until Tina got back from doing her chores, doing jack all and being rather stationary.
Your room is small and a tad cramped. An unmade bed sits in the back corner, under the large window to your backyard. At the end of the bed sits your desk, with a laptop and various art supplies strewn about. No desk chair here - you simply sit on the end of your bed. It's an efficient system!
The rest of your room contains a wardrobifier and a beanbag chair.
Your walls are covered in various posters, intermixed with art your friends have sent you. Above the head of your bed are your Indiana Jones posters, which you've framed in art of your original character; David Walker. He's so grouse - you've been writing stories about him with your friends for years. You have redesignlines of him. (It's a portmanteau of Redesign and Timeline. You are so smart).
You've been getting pretty bored of waiting; you were going to crack into the gamefiles to see what this game is all about, but the encryption was too tough a nut for you. And you aren't much of a nutcracker, to say the least.
Moving swiftly on.
You're bored, painfully so, and need something to do. You have a few options, of course. You always do! You could message a friend, mess around with your wardrobifier, or go feed your pet cat, Russel. All great options...
Actually, talking to a friend sounds the best right now. You were kinda planning to wax poetic about the decision for a while, but you've already made up your mind. Sad. Oh well!
You sit on the end of your, frankly rather messy, bed, and turn on your laptop. You're immediately faced with your homescreen - you don't bother with silly, bothersome things such as passwords.
Holy shit, that's a good desktop background. You love Indiana Jones.
Of course, you also have the usual suspects - the Hephaestus browser, pesterchum, and various files scattered about. And not much else. You're an outdoorsman, after all. There's little time for you to sit at your laptop when you're out in the bush 8/4.
You'd say 24/7 if you were lying.
Now, as much as you'd love to slack off and mess around with your files, you're here for a purpose. And that is to message a friend. Which you have many of, of course, being mr popular and all. You just happen to only feel like messaging three of them right now.
You'd message Tina right now, if you weren't sure she was busy. So that leaves two options; GG and CG. Time to deliberate on the decision for a moment. You get the feeling you'll be doing this a fair bit tonight.
And you've decided on GG. Why? You have no idea. It just kind of happened.
You open pesterchum and begin pestering GG.
-- groovyTomcat [GT] began pestering glamorousGwitch [GG] -- GT: Ready to game tonight? Because I've gotta say, I think it's growing on me! GG: have you started playing already GG: also idk if tina told you, but i lost my copies of it GT: Damn, that sucks! Where'd you last have it? GG: idk GG: also you didn't answer my question GT: What question? :-? GG: dude its literally right there you dont even need to scroll GT: Oh, there it is! Haha! My eyes must've glossed right over it. GT: But no, haven't begun just yet! Waiting on Tina to be ready. GG: right GG: how the hell is it growing on you then GT: Well, I don't know! GT: I think Tina's excitement over it is a tad contagious, maybe. GT: Plus I'm always in the market for a new game to play! GG: uhuh GG: well you might be one friend down unless i can find my fucking game GT: Hopefully you can find it soom! GT: *Soon GG: soom lol GT: Oh come on! GG: but yeah i better get back to looking for it GG: toodaloo GT: Really? Toodaloo? GT: And you're getting at me for soom? GG: oh shut up i was trying something new GG: i dont get at you for the whole adventurer schtick youve got going on GT: Schtick?! GT: And how often do you go for a wander in the mountains? The forests? The fucking wilderness?! GG: bitch i *live* out in the middle of fucking nowhere GG: you live in a fucking sydney suburb bordering a little hilly woods GT: Oh sure, you're little outback town is "more adventure-ish" than mine. Go ahead and brag about it why don't you? GG: *your GT: Shouldn't you be searching for that game? Because I've got to go.
-- groovyTomcat [GT] ceased pestering glamorousGwitch [GG] --
Ooh, how she gets on your nerves at times. You may just need a quick break to cool off after that exchange!